Sleep, drive, relax, and earn! Join the INO of the SLEEP project!

Lifty | WEB3 Gaming
4 min readJul 29, 2022


Zzzz…now you can earn money if you put down your phone and sleep, drive or relax! The SLEEP project INO will start on August 2nd, at 11:00 UTC.


SLEEP is the first Web3 lifestyle app with Social-Fi and Game-Fi elements where users can earn $ZZZ for sleeping, relaxing, and putting their phones away.

At the launch, users are equipped with NFT beds — sleep to earn $ZZZ, which can be used to level up and mint new beds and other equipment.

Players can choose to rent or sell their NFT beds on the in-app Marketplace; the users’ SLEEP earnings are stored in the in-app Wallet, which has a built-in Swap function.

Later, SLEEP will get two additional game modes where everyone can make an extra $ZZZ:

  • Car Mode: earn while driving by locking your phone;
  • Monk Mode: earn while locking your phone to relax.

SLEEP is the main mode. So, there are 3 ways to earn during the day. Each game mode has its own NFT: Sleep Mode NFTs Beds, Car Mode NFT Cars, NFT Buddhas. You need an NFT to earn. For every mode it works the same way, lock your phone to earn.

The team consists of 10 members in total. 5 of them are full-time members, and another 5 are part-time. The development is done by Crypton studio. They are working with a total of 10 devs on the project.

The project has an office in the north of the Netherlands where they work every day. Everyone in the team has been working in the crypto space for more than 3 years. The team is fully doxxed with LinkedIn. The lead investor is Apollo ventures; they were also at the beginning of Ethereum and Solana.

INO Details

The INO will start on August 2nd, at 11:00 UTC. The Liquidifty users will be able to buy the following NFTs:

Single NFT

  • Bed NFT with random characteristics to start in-game earning
  • Price: $75 (in the game, it will be $100)
  • Available: 300

Standard Starter Pack

  • Bed NFT with random characteristics to start in-game earning
  • $100 worth of $SLEEP available to claim
  • Price: $150
  • Available: 200

Deluxe Starter Pack

  • Bed NFT with random characteristics to start in-game earning
  • $100 worth of $SLEEP available to claim
  • $100 worth of $ZZZ available to claim at the game launch to level-up
  • 2 booster items to upgrade your NFT
  • Price: $250
  • Available: 100

Gold Starter Pack

  • Bed NFT with random characteristics to start in-game earning
  • Car NFT with random characteristics to earn in a Car Mode
  • Buddha NFT with random characteristics to earn in a Monk Mode
  • $100 worth of $SLEEP available to claim
  • $100 worth of $ZZZ is available to claim at the game launch to level-up
  • 6 booster items to upgrade your NFT
  • Price: $500
  • Available: 25

The SLEEP Kickstarter INO is the cheapest possible way to get started with sleeping to earn. Each Mystery Box of $80 contains NFTs, tokens, and boosters worth from $125 to $300.

The ultimate start with HUGE value. The Mystery Box costs $80 and its value is between $125 and $300.

This value is built up in different things. For example, you can have $300 in SLEEP token in your Mystery Box or there can be a SLEEP NFT in the mystery box of which the value is $100 and $150 in SLEEP token. There are only 3000 sleep mystery boxes available. There are only 3000 sleep mystery boxes available and 600 of them will be available at Liquidifty.

Why participate?

  • Purchase your first NFT;
  • Govern;
  • Increase max earning cap.

Community events

The project’s team will also hold an AMA session on August 1st, at 14:00 UTC. Prepare your questions and join here:

Social media of the project:
Website | Twitter | Telegram

Stay tuned for the updates and more events by the Liquidifty team:



Lifty | WEB3 Gaming
Lifty | WEB3 Gaming

Written by Lifty | WEB3 Gaming

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