Liquidifty v0.3 – New design, competitions, boost and more
Please Welcome Liquidifty V0.3!
It has been more than a month since our release, feeling like an eternity ago now, which seems to have wound up in a fleeting instant. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone who is with us! And that includes everyone who is minting works, buying them, discussing them, criticizing or praising them. We appreciate the contribution that each and every one of you is making to our project!
To date, we have reached $100,000 in NFTs trading volumes, launched 3 collector competitions, and attracted over a 1,000 users who have either minted or purchased works on our marketplace.
The fact that you are using the Liquidifty app is not just inspiration for us, it is a confirmation of the just course of action we have taken! And to mark all of these milestone achievements, we would like to present to you our latest update, which has already gone live!
1. Rebranding
As you can see, we have conducted a rebranding of the project.
2. Redesign of The App
The interface has become considerably more convenient and allows viewing works on a broader grid that highlights their intricacies and gives a better sense of space. The website has expanded and so has the scope of the paintings, as now they are presented in a considerably more practical fashion. This was done to empower the artists in their end goal of presenting their artworks in the way they had originally intended. Overall, the website has become more convenient in its use and more appealing to the eye.
3. Vast Optimizations And Processing Speeds
We have conducted a lot of work on making sure that the speed of working with the marketplace is increased considerably. We worked very hard on optimizing the interaction processes with the blockchain and IPFS storage, which allowed us to speed up the site by as much as tenfold. A huge number of bugs and glitches have also been identified and exterminated.
4. Link Tethering to Images
Hurray, it has finally happened! Users can now just attach a link to their works on Twitter or any other social network, and the images will be uploaded automatically!
Our competitions for collectors and artists are in full swing!
We have almost finished selecting the 50 artists who will be moving on to the next stage of the $100,000 NFT Artists Contest. The lists of the selected artists are currently published in our social networks. We will be announcing all the finalists and the next steps of the competition in the very near future!
The competition for the draw of cryptopunk #6691 and other valuable NFT is almost over. More than 80% of the packs have already been sold out, and we are delighted to announce that! For those of you who missed the main event, you still have a chance to participate!
What’s in store in the near future? A lot of interesting stuff, actually!
- A major overhaul of the app is coming up, which will involve easier and more intuitive navigation for the collectors and more promotion features for the artists. We are doing our utmost to make Liquidifty a product that yields benefit and value to all participants of the NFT market.
2. We’ve got Nyancat! A crazy contest is coming up soon, so stay tuned!
3. Collaborations with prominent artists are underway.
4. Our own metaverse is coming up. It’s gonna be big!
How is $LQT doing these days?
All of our upcoming and current activities and updates, starting with the collectors contest # 3, will be using the $LQT token. We are working to build an ecosystem for the token that involves high organic demand, since we stand for real usage of the token, not short-term pump and dump schemes.
Thank you all for your support and collaboration! We love you all and will keep doing our best to live up to your hopes and expectations.
Stay tuned for the updates and more events by the Liquidifty team: